Night of the Lamps


Event organized by the municipality and the tourist office, which has as its main feature the opportunity to assist from ferries to a real fishing trip to anchovies off Cetara. During fishing are used the lamp characteristics that serve to attract the anchovy banks under the light source. Upon returning from the fishing trip the lamps are left on in the bay of Cetara while on the beach you can taste dishes of anchovies and blue fish and enjoy popular music shows.

The event takes place every year in July on a date chosen according to the moon phases that are fundamental for the fishing of anchovies.

The 2014 edition of the event had a national echo thanks to the filming of the Rai 1 broadcast “Linea Blu”. The 2015 edition has arrived among the finalists of the national Italive Award 2015 promoted by Codacons, with the high patronage of the Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities and Tourism and the participation of Autostrade per l’Italia and Coldiretti.

In 2016 Poste Italiane issued a special stamp for the event with which the postcards for collectors depicting the poster of the event were stamped.